Why should you avoid being an overprotective parent?


Every parent wants to protect their children from the dangers and the challenges of the world. Just a thought of their children being outside is enough to scare them. Hence, leaving their kids out on their own is not easy for them. But their overbearing nature or continuous curtailing can affect their children’s potential by keeping them in a bubble. In some cases, kids even lose touch with reality and fall short during the challenges of the outside world. Hence, the best CBSE school in greater Noida recommends every parent to avoid an overprotective parent. It's because you're hindering your children from reaching their full potential and setting them for failure without realization. That's why it's better for you to know about this behaviour in detail so you can be more cautious and not let this happen to their child.

What does it mean to be an overprotective parent?

The top 10 schools in greater Noida defines overprotective parents as someone who keeps undue or excessive restriction in the name of protection for their children allegedly in the interest of their health and welfare due to anxiety, insecurity or overbearing nature. For example, if your child is a toddler and it's their first day of school or nursery school admission near me, you naturally get scared. Hence, you decide to accompany them throughout their whole day and don't leave them alone even in class. You're also an overprotective parent if you:

        Have a lack of self-confidence in your children

        Choose their friends.

        Accompany them even for an outing with friends.

        Interfere with their education and teachers.

        Make choices on their behalf.

        Force them to do activities they don’t like.

 Now you think that it's best for your children's well-being, it can also make your child feel less confident. They sense your lack of confidence in them and start to believe your disbelief. Instead, you should have their back and take precautions and prepare them in advance to ensure their well-being. You have to stop treating them like a weakling, or they'll never become confident, worldly-wise and strong, come what may.

What are the drawbacks of being an overprotective parent?

Your overbearing nature can cause negative repercussions on your children's development, especially when they go to school or college. Some common drawbacks of your overprotecting quality can include:

        Your kids develop a sense of entitlement: Children with overprotective parents think they can get away with anything. Hence, they tend to do whatever they want. They believe that everyone will treat them like they are treated at home.

        Your kids will lack maturity: Kids of overprotective parents tend to depend heavily on their parents and peers for everything. They usually develop a habit of requiring higher levels of assistance. It can work at home but becomes a problem in a classroom setting where teachers will not give them special treatment.

        Your kids will develop health issues: Overprotected kids are more likely to fall ill because they're dependent on others to take care of them. They usually don't learn how to manage their health, thereby impacting their health even when they become adults.

        Your kid will be more prone to emotional problems: Overprotective parents don't manage their children's emotional outbursts in the right manner. Hence, these kids can grow up without knowing how to manage their emotions.

        Your kids will struggle socially: Due to you controlling their every move, they may find it difficult to make friends easily and have low confidence. Hence, it'll be for them to adjust to a school setting or new environment even in their adulthood.

 As parents, it's in your nature to protect your children and giving them the freedom to explore the world can be very difficult for you. But it is in their best interest, and it is essential that you keep trying.


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