How to build self-esteem in children during a pandemic?


Self-esteem is how much we value ourselves and how important we believe we are in their world. In simple words, positive self-esteem helps us understand our worth and feel good about ourselves. But in current scenarios, everyone is struggling to maintain their self-worth and their place in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up every aspect of our lives with quarantine, business closures, social distancing and work from home. Everyone is getting deprived of the everyday experiences that help develop their self-esteem and sense of worth as a person. While it's a challenging time for all of us, it's more challenging for our young ones. Amidst all this confusion, we tend to forget that self-esteem is also vital for children’s mental health and development. Children with healthy self-esteem lead happier lives, are better at forming relationships and perform exceptionally during tests later in life, vouched by the best CBSE school in Greater Noida.

While some children are gifted with healthy self-esteem, others don't have to be disheartened because they can work for it. Understanding their self-worth requires them to accept who they are by recognising their insufficiencies and still willing to like themselves. Hence, it is essential to establish your children’s belief that they're capable of handling their life and have confidence in themselves. So when we provide them with various experiences of successful interactions through positive words, their self-esteem grows substantially. Even in the top CBSE school in greater Noida, boosting children's self-esteem has become a part of their pedagogy because being capable of Liking ourselves lays the foundations on which their emotional health rests. It's a crucial job for every parent and teacher. But as their parents, your responsibility is even greater than that of a teacher’s because you hold the single most significant influence in your children’s lives. So if you're wondering why you should start to build your child’s self-esteem, it's because children’s self-esteem starts forming very early and continues to do so day by day.

When they value themselves and their abilities, they become proud of their achievements and want to try their best, which are the uppermost qualities required for preschool admissions. It means they can take on new challenges, learn from their mistakes and are more likely to stand up for themselves and ask for help when they need it. According to leading child psychologists, building children’s self-esteem requires two elements, which are acceptance and competence. Children feel good about themselves when they feel loved and accepted by their parents or peers and when they're competent to master new skills and achieve their goals.

We know that parents are also under extreme stress while being concerned about their children's development. Hence, we have compiled evidence-based strategies that you can implement to encourage acceptance and competence in children. These strategies do not require special programs or resources. Instead, they aim to ease the burden placed on you during these challenging times. So try to be compassionate and also embrace the imperfections of their new routines with these steps:


If you want your children to feel more loved and supported, you have to start building warmer, more supportive relationships with your children. When children have a supportive relationship with their parents, they share their joy with them, show fondness for them, and express interest in their opinion. Hence, you have to provide your children with unconditional support and show how much they matter to you. For example, you can spend more quality time with your children and let them know you are enjoying their presence. Also, ask your children questions to show their curiosity about their interests and activities. You should also have regular chats with your children about their worries and fears regarding the current pandemic. Although seemingly trivial, these small changes can build skyward spirals of self-esteem over time.


Children are born curious and seek novel and challenging experiences to stimulate their interests. But some specialized activities can also help them build their competence, which can improve their self-esteem. When they do well in these activities, they become more confident in their skills and abilities. But amidst school closures and online classes, a burden is placed on parents to nurture children’s interest and joy in learning. Hence, you can encourage your children to find a topic that interests them and provide them with the support and tools required to learn more about it. You can also try art projects and help children build formations with Legos, blocks, or even household items. When you indulge your children in these activities, they experience a sense of learning and growth, which makes them feel proud and eager to seek out more exercises to sharpen their skills.


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