How to nurture human values in young children


We are hardwired to do better than before and strive towards progress, and parents are no exception. They want to give their children a solid moral foundation and support them in becoming responsible, caring, and healthy adults. To do that, they have to teach them strong interpersonal skills and basic human values.

But that's easier said than done! Most parents know that some values are harder to teach. Simply telling your kids to be more honest, diligent, or considerate is as effective as telling them to an adult. But they're not impossible to teach and too important to leave to chance.

Most parents have a tough time teaching kids human values because they start too early or too late. To make it worse, they tend to leave the responsibility on the best school in Greater Noida. But they forget that we teach values to kids through our own behaviour in every minute of their lives. So the important thing isn’t whether we should teach values to kids, but what we should teach our kids.

In recent years, top schools in Greater Noida have also tried to add moral or ethical development to their curriculum to transform their students into good human beings. Here are a few proven methods you can try to teach your kids the skills of respect, responsibility, kindness, and caring:

Use stories to teach them about morals:

Fairy tales have been used for thousands of years by grandmas to teach their children moral values. It can help depict important and great messages but in an easy-consumable way. They also introduce your children to heroes or role models that are nicely wrapped in a vivid and exciting adventure story. 


To provide your children with a good moral compass, you should read them fairy tales that make them stimulate their curiosity. It can also help them to learn a lot about themselves and the world around them. 

Be aware of your actions.

Children not only notice everything you say but also what you do. Suppose you tell your kids that soccer is more about having fun, learning skills and exercising teamwork because you want to teach them these values. However, if your first question is about who won or lost, they’ll think that winning is more important than having fun or learning teamwork.

These kinds of behaviour not only contradict your teachings but also puts your child in an uncomfortable position. Therefore, you should be aware of the simple actions or things under certain circumstances.

Teach them about respect

Showing respect is one of the most significant values a child has to learn for nursery class admission. Therefore, it's crucial to teach them about the importance of respecting others. However, you have to be fully aware that your child listens and observes everything you do. That's why you need to show them how it's done. 


Start a conversation about respecting everyone, be it a teacher or an elder. Control your behaviour and nurture healthy and assertive communication in front of your child. Be a great role model and help your child pick up a few things from your behaviour. Also, help your child develop interpersonal skills,including how to treat strangers and less fortunate as well as other family members.

Help your child develop empathy.

Children are naturally empathetic, which is the foundation of human values. But they're not always sympathetic and eager to help because they don't have the emotional capability or understanding about their feelings. Therefore, you have to help them interpret the world on their own terms. The only way to help your kids become empathetic is when they watch you respond to others with compassion and kindness.


You can also teach them about integrity and obligation to people around them. Tell them why is respectful behaviour important in religious places, such as church, synagogue or mosque.


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