How to build a positive and healthy relationship with your child?

  The top cbse school in Greater Noida believes that children learn and grow at their best when they have a loving and positive relationship with their parents. It's the first connection they make in the world. By building mutual trust, children learn more about the world and how they fit into it. So if you want to raise a happy, healthy, well-behaved kid, you have to build a closer connection with your child.

Every parent wants to have a healthy relationship with their children. But most of them believe that showing their love is sufficient to build a relationship with their child. While telling your children that you love them is sometimes enough, building a healthy and positive relationship takes more work than preparing them for preschool admissions. You have to put our love into action every day for them to feel it.

When you're really present with your child, they also find that quite fulfilling. It energizes them and makes them feel content. But being present is more than paying attention. Your relationship with your child needs positive attention to thrive, which takes time and effort. While parenting requires you to multitask most of the time, a great relationship with your child requires you to focus some time every day.

It means you have to pay thoughtful attention to what goes on with your child and start seeing things from their point of view. Essentially, it means building a healthy connection with our child has to be your highest priority. But conventional methods create a shaky framework rather than building a solid foundation for your lifelong bonds.

A positive connection requires parents to become their children allies rather than their adversaries. So if you're looking for ways to strengthen that connection, here are some of the tips from the best CBSE school in Greater Noida to do it:

Be real with them

Being perfect is boring, and it also sets some very unrealistic expectations. You have to be yourself with your kids so get to know the real you. Don't hide behind the illusion of being the perfect parent so your children can appreciate and love the real you. When your kids see you with all your perfections and imperfections, they get closer to you. Hence, let your child get to know the real you so they can foster an authentic relationship.   

Apologize to them

It's not only children who should apologize to others when they do something wrong. They also deserve an apology from others who wrong them. So when you make a mistake that affects them, give them a sincere apology. When you apologize, it shows that you value your children enough to do so, resulting in a deeper connection with your kids. It shows them that everyone makes a mistake, but they have to follow it with an apology. It sets a powerful example for them to follow and also helps you take some time off from your perfect parenting pedestal.

Say yes more often

Parents know they can't say yes all the time as some of their children's demands are ludicrous. But you must also refrain from automatically saying no either. You have to give them a chance to explain themselves and when they do, listen. Sometimes we only say no because it is inconvenient for us or because it requires more efforts. You have to find a balance to ensure that their needs are equally valued and considered. Therefore, after some consideration, you have to turn a few no's into yes, with some conditions, of course. 

Find some time for quality time

You have to try more to spend some quality time with your children. Giving your children time and undivided attention are essential to make a deep connection with your child. Hence, you should find some time every day to spend with your child. To give your absolute and undivided attention, keep your phone aside during this quality time.  

Be consistent

We know that you want your kids to be happy, independent, confident, healthy, and loved. But you also have to remember that it's a marathon, not a race. You have to focus on your long-term goals and be consistent. Hence, let your child follow their heart so they can do what feels morally right rather than following the crowd.


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