How Positive attention affects your child?


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What is positive attention?

Positive attention is the manner in which you show delight in your child and warmth in your relationship through:

  • smiling at your child
  • making eye contact
  • using caring facial expressions
  • being physically gentle and loving with your child
  • expressing with words to celebrate and motivate your child
  • displaying an active interest in your child’s interests, activities and achievements.

Why is positive attention important?

All children need experiences and relationships that help them in showing that they are valued, apt, fully able to bring happiness to another human. When children receive positive attention, reactions and responses from key grown-ups, it helps them to build a foundation and understanding of how valued they are.

Over time with positive, loving messages from you and other significant people in the child’s life help him build a positive self-image. For child confidence, a healthy self-image is very important as they learn about the world. The top 10 schools in Greater Noida uses this philosophy of appreciation and positive attention in children to help them grow a positive image of themselves.

When your child has a positive, responsive interaction with you and other carers, then it led to developing a feeling of security and safety. The feeling of safety helps in building the confidence to explore their world.

When you give an environment to the children where they feel supported and encouraged, then they perform their best. Warm and positive relationships are the key to children’s development.


How to show positive attention to children?

You can give your child positive attention in many ways. It can be changing nappies, monitoring their bath time, walking them to the school bus, there are myriad of ways where you can connect with your child in meaningful ways.

It does not matter what your child age is; there are various simple ways when you can do everyday things with them and make them feel special.

Positive attention tips for babies

When the babies are born, they can respond to your tone of voice, facial expression, gestures and body language. Some of the ways in which you can give positive attention are:

  • Smile when your baby grins at you.
  • Reassure your baby when they cry.
  • Answer to the sounds your baby makes by saying something in response.
  • Go on about what’s happening around the two of you.
  • Acknowledge what your baby is interested in and encourage baby to explore

Positive attention tips for Toddlers

At this age, the children start understanding what you are saying. So, you should also pay attention to the fact as to how you say it. Get in the moment of your child’s life and be active and interested in their activities.

Positive attention tips for Preschoolers

When you have enrolled your child for nursery school admission, then there are various ways in which you can make pay attention.

  • Set aside time to do your kid’s favourite activities together.
  • Remember to laugh and establish eye contact with your child when you address them in the morning – perhaps even take a minute for a special cuddle.
  • Indicate your child you’re overjoyed to see them after child care or preschool.


Positive attention tips for School-age children

Child’s world expands when they enter school. Your warmth and positive attention play the biggest influences on your child’s development.

The best public school in Greater Noida recommend these tips:

  • Listen to what your child says and ask them questions relating to the school activities.
  • Enquire them about what good happened at school that day
  • Let them talk and ask follow-up questions


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